Paul McCartney celebrates the 10-year anniversary of the “Glass Walls” video for PETA

Thursday, June 11, 2020


From Paul McCartney Celebrates 10 Years of ‘Glass Walls’ | PETA, June 11, 2020:

A lot has changed in the animal rights world since PETA debuted Paul McCartney’s “Glass Walls” video a decade ago. Back then, vegan options at fast-food chains were slim to non-existent. Now, vegans can chow down everywhere from Dunkin’ to Carl’s Jr. to Dairy Queen. Hollywood has converted nearly all its award show menus to be mostly or entirely animal-free. We even have a vegan in the U.S. Senate.

Here’s a message from McCartney as he reflects on the 10-year anniversary of this memorable video:

All I’ve ever wanted for my birthday is peace on Earth—including for animals. That’s why this year, I’m urging fans to watch a video I hosted for PETA, titled ‘Glass Walls.’ We called it that because if slaughterhouses had glass walls, who would want to eat meat? The video debuted exactly 10 years ago. Since then, the public has finally gotten a peek at what happens inside the meat trade, and the demand for vegan food is sky high. Whether you’re worried about diseases that spring from slaughterhouses, the animals who suffer terribly and needlessly, or the catastrophic impact of the meat industry on our environment, please watch this short video and share it with your friends. Thank you.

Paul McCartney – From Paul McCartney Celebrates 10 Years of ‘Glass Walls’ | PETA, June 11, 2020

Last updated on February 12, 2022

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