Liverpool • Friday, October 18, 1957

ConcertBy The Quarrymen • Part of the 1957-59 Liverpool Area Concerts
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New Clubmoor Hall


This was the first concert of Paul McCartney, and his first concert with the Quarry Men.

A great thing about Liverpool, Newcastle, Glasgow and the provinces, is that they all have places with famous names, and the first gig with The Quarry Men was on Broadway – in Liverpool. (We made our first record in a little demo studio in Kensington, Liverpool.) For my first gig, I was given a guitar solo on ‘Guitar Boogie’. I could play it easily in rehearsal so they elected that I should do it as my solo. Things were going fine, but when the moment came in the performance I got sticky fingers; I thought, ‘What am I doing here?’ I was just too frightened; it was too big a moment with everyone looking at the guitar player. I couldn’t do it. (I never played a solo again until a few years ago.) That’s why George was brought in. 

Paul McCartney, Anthology

From Fandom:

[…] Lennon and McCartney wore cream-coloured sports jackets, which were paid for by the whole group—Walley collected half a crown per week from each member until they were paid for—and the others wore white shirts with tassels and black bootlace ties. To the irritation of the other group members, McCartney endlessly practised the lead guitar intro to “Raunchy” (by saxophonist Bill Justis) and a solo from “Guitar Boogie Shuffle”, for days before the engagement, but on the night (after being specially introduced by Lennon as a new member of the group) he missed his cue on “Raunchy”, played all the wrong notes, and stepped back in embarrassment between Hanton and Garry. Everyone expected Lennon to say something sarcastic, but the sight of the always overconfident McCartney looking so crestfallen made Lennon laugh out loud so much that he “almost pissed himself”. […]

Last updated on November 16, 2019

Setlist for the concert

The setlist for this concert is incomplete, or we have not be able to confirm in an accurate way that this was the setlist. If you have any clue, pls let us know and leave a comment.


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