"Cold Cuts" session

August 1987 • For Paul McCartney

Album Songs recorded during this session officially appear on the Put It There CD Single.
AIR Studios, London, UK
Hog Hill Studio, Rye, UK

Songs recorded


Same Time Next Year

Written by Paul McCartney


Album Officially released on Put It There


Mama's Little Girl

Written by Paul McCartney, Linda McCartney


Album Officially released on Put It There


Production staff

Chris Thomas:
Bill Price:


Paul McCartney revisited yet again his “Cold Cuts” project, this time with producer Chris Thomas and engineer Bill Price. The list of tracks which has been worked on is not known, with the exception of “Mama’s Little Girl” and “Same Time Next Year“. Mixes of those songs created through this session would finally be officially released as B-sides in 1990.

This would be the last sessions on the “Cold Cuts” project. After bootleg versions appeared on the market, McCartney lost interest in the project:

Whatever happened to the Cold Cuts album project?

It became a bootleg, which put me off the idea.

The project originally started out as Hot Hitz And Kold Kutz, with two k’s and two z’s, but then someone at the record company said “Why have cold cuts on a hot hits album?” as a result of which it became simply Cold Cuts. So it went on the back-burner and cooled off, to mix a few metaphors, and then went even cooler when I discovered that it had become a bootleg.

I still have a lovely unused cover the for the album, drawn for me by Saul Steinberg, best known by the public for his New Yorker drawings. I got to know him and for many years was asking him to draw me a cover, and eventually he came up with something. This is probably the most compelling reason to issue the album, actually: just to use his cover!

Like the promo video compilation, though, these things can get in the way of other projects. I mean, if you’ve got a “real” album already out then to issue another one can be confusing. I’d love to release millions of things but it would mean issuing about 12 albums a year, and the powers that be don’t like that because you spread yourself too thin.

Paul McCartney, interviewed by Mark Lewisohn, Club Sandwich, Winter 1994

Last updated on May 25, 2020

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