"Thrillington" session #4

Friday, June 18, 1971 • For Percy "Thrills" Thrillington

Album Songs recorded during this session officially appear on the Thrillington LP.
EMI Studios, Abbey Road


Production staff

Paul McCartney:
Tony Clark:
Mixing engineer
Alan Parsons:
Assistant mixing engineer


Thrillington“, an instrumental version of Paul McCartney’s second solo album, “RAM“, was recorded over three days, on June 15, June 16 and June 17, 1971. On this day, June 18, the album was mixed by engineers Tony Clark and Alan Parsons.

From “Good Day Sunshine” fanzine, issue #78:

[…] The following day, on Friday June 18, the album was mixed by Clark and tape operator Parsons in a marathon session that didn’t end until 11:00 a.m. the following day. “Paul was there for the mix,” notes Tony Clark. “He allowed me the freedom to set up the mixes and get the basic feel of it.” Like the recording sessions, the mix session had a certain inspired energy to it that kept everybody moving. “There was actually a spirit of energy that lasted through the whole night. Paul used to live in St. John’s Wood then, and he’d pop home with Linda and then come back again. Which was great, because if I was flagging a bit in the night, he’d help put a bit of energy back into it.

The album was then completed and put on the shelf awaiting release. “I always felt so involved with the album that I always wanted to master it myself,” says Tony Clark. “There’s something special that happens in the mastering process when bringing the tape to disc, like what happened with ‘Paperback Writer.’ Unfortunately, I never got the chance with this album.” […]

From “Good Day Sunshine” fanzine – Issue #78 – Quoted in mcbeatle.de

I don’t think I’ve seen Paul quite so happy, away from the responsibility of making and producing his own music – just having a great, great bunch of musicians playing his music. Paul would talk to the musicians, and be the producer in the box, with me engineering, and it all flowed. Paul was bopping around, and feeling great about his music. I reckon we all did.

Tony Clark – from Facebook (Quote taken from McCartney Legacy Volume One, © Dey Street books, 2022.)

A month after this session, Paul was again in a recording studio, to start the recording of Wings’ first album, “Wild Life“; which may explain why Thrillington had to wait for the year 1977 to be released: the focus was now elsewhere.

Last updated on April 30, 2022

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