From Daily Mirror – Saturday 15 September 1979From Bill Bernstein (@billbernstein) • Instagram photos and videos – PAUL MCCARTNEY, EAST SUSSEX, ENGLAND, 1992 I was sent to the UK by Time Magazine to take this photo for an article on Paul McCartney turning 50. I’d had the pleasure of working by Paul’s side for many years as his personal photographer as he toured throughout the world starting in 1989 until 2005. It was beyond my wildest dreams that I, the world’s biggest Beatles fan from the age of 13, got to hang out with this man, and his first wife Linda, on the road for many years. He is an amazing showman, businessman, activist and all around funny and magical guy! Which you might not expect from one of the most successful musicians of all time. Here, Paul is posing outside his property in Sussex with a standup bass that belonged to Bill Black,Elvis Presley’s bass player. It was Linda McCartney who gave Paul this legendary bass as a gift. […] Photo by Bill Bernstein taken 25 years ago in the south of England at one of Paul’s homes on assignment for Time Magazine in celebration of his 50th birthday. Paul is holding the standup bass used by Elvis Presley’s bass player Bill Black (note the original hardware store lettering scotch taped to the bottom of the bass). It was gifted to Paul by his then wife Linda several years before this shot was taken. This shot was never used by Time (they chose a different shot taken that day) but is available thru the Morrison Hotel Gallery.
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