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After You've Gone

Written by Turner LaytonHenry CreamerUnreleased song

Last updated on July 27, 2014

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This song was recorded during the following studio sessions:

From Wikipedia:

“After You’ve Gone” is a 1918 popular song composed by Turner Layton, with lyrics written by Henry Creamer. It was recorded by Marion Harris on July 22, 1918 and released on Victor 18509. It is the basis for many other jazz songs, as it can easily be improvised over. It is also the theme song for the BBC sitcom After You’ve Gone (performed by Jamie Cullum).


Now listen, honey, while I say

How could you tell me that you gone away?

Don't you say that we must part

While you won't break my aching heart?

You know I loved you true for many years

Loved you night and day

How can you leave me?

Can't you see my tears,

And listen at me while I say?

After you've gone

Left me crying

After you've gone

Ain't no deny

You feel blue

You gon' feel sad

You'll miss the best lovin' you ever had

And there come a time

Don't you forget it

There come a time

When you'll regret it

Someday when you grow lonely

Your heart gon' break like mine

You gon' want me only

After you've gone

After you've gone away

After you've gone

After we break up

After you've gone

You sure gon' wake up

You gon' find that

You were blind

To let somebody come around and change your mind

After the years we've been together

Through dawn and tears

All kind of weather

Someday, blue and down-hearted

You wanna be with me

Right back where you started

After you've gone

After you've gone away


After you've gone

After you've gone away


See all bootlegs containing “After You've Gone

Live performances

After You've Gone” has been played in 1 concerts.

Latest concerts where “After You've Gone” has been played

  • Pops and Lenny

    May 16, 1963 • United Kingdom • London • Television Theatre • TV show

Paul McCartney writing

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MaryU • 1 year ago

Hi! Thanks a lot for your project! It's very helpful! And - in fairness - Paul sang Frank Sinatra's version After You've Gone, with these words:

After you've gone

And left me crying

After you've gone

Ain't no deny

You'll feel blue

You'll feel sad

You'll miss the dearest pal that you ever had

There'll come a time

And don't you forget it

There'll come a time

When you'll regret it

Someday when you grow lonely

Your heart will break like mine

You want me only

After you've gone

After you've gone away

The PaulMcCartney Project • 1 year ago

Thanks MaryU ! Will update

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