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Recorded in 1984


Written by Paul McCartneyUnreleased song

Timeline This song was recorded in 1984

Timeline This song was written, or began to be written, in 1984, when Paul McCartney was 42 years old)

Related session

This song was recorded during the following studio sessions:

Other songs recorded with producer David Foster


How much you got? how much you wanna take?

It all depends on what you got.

And what's the cost? how much you wanna pay?

It all depends on what it costs.

If i can be of help in matters such as these

Don't hesitate to call i'd only be too pleased to take

A look

Pleased to take a look.

Hold on Lindiana

Don't let go of your dream

With your head held high you would touch the sky

In your long forgotten scheme

Hold on Lindiana

Don't let go of you dream

It's important to us

How much you got? how much you wanna take?

It all depends on what you got?

And what's the cost?

How much you wanna pay?

That all depends on what it costs.

If i can be of help in matters such as these

Don't hesitate to call i'd only be too pleased to take

A look

Pleased to take a look.

Hold on Lindiana

Don't let go of your dream

With your head held high you would touch the sky

In your long forgotten scheme

Hold on Lindiana

Don't let go of you dream

It's important to us

If i can be of help in matters such as these

Don't hesitate to call i'd only be too pleased to take

A look

Pleased to take a look

Hold on Lindiana

Don't let go of your dream

With your head held high you would touch the sky

In your long forgotten scheme

Hold on lindiana

Don't lose sight of your dream

It's important (to us) to us

oh oh it's important

Oh oh oh

Don't lose sight of your dream

Don't let go

It's important linda

Oh don't lose sight of your dream

Don't let go, don't let go

Lindian Lindiana

Don't let go, don't let go, don't let go

Don't, hold on

Don't let go, let go



Live performances

Paul McCartney has never played this song in concert.

Paul McCartney writing

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Susan • 6 years ago

Such a beautiful song. Grateful that I was able to hear it. So much talent. Hope he never retires. He has so much to offer.

Berlane Di Russo • 1 year ago

This music is not unreleased. It appears on Return To Pepperland 1987. Please review the information.

The PaulMcCartney Project • 1 year ago

Hi Berlane, I consider it "unreleased" as it has never been officially released. I agree this labelling might be confusing. Thanks.

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