“Hey Grandude!” is a series of picture books for children written by Paul McCartney and illustrated by Kathryn Durst. McCartney started making up stories about Grandude, who he conceived of “as a kind of retired hippie having adventures with his grandchildren”. Paul said in an interview with the BBC that “I imagined him as a sort of eccentric old guy. He’s got a grey beard, a little bit of a ponytail, so he’s a little bit groovy. He has a little hat and a bow tie. And he has this magic compass so when he rubs that you can go anywhere”. Paul has stressed that Grandude is not based on him.
By Paul McCartney • Official album
Grandude's Green Submarine (audiobook)
By Paul McCartney • Official album
Paul McCartney on being a 'Grandude' children's author
Sep 05, 2019 • From BBC News
You Gave Me The Answer – Ask Grandude!
Sep 27, 2019 • From paulmccartney.com