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Monday, July 21, 2014

“A Hard Day’s Night – 50th Anniversary” released on DVD / Blu-Ray in Europe

Last updated on April 14, 2021


From A Hard Day’s Night (Blu-ray) – Second Sight Films:

In 1964 the biggest band on the planet made their big screen debut with this groundbreaking film that presented a ‘typical’ day in the life of The Fab Four. Directed by Richard Lester whose innovative techniques paved the way for generations of music videos, the film’s frenetic mix of comic escapades, legendary one-liners and pop perfection captured a moment in time that defined a generation. 

 Bonus Features

In Their Own Voices – a new piece combining 1964 interviews with The Beatles with behind-the-scenes footage and photos

You Can’t Do That: The Making of A Hard Day’s Night – a documentary by producer Walter Shenson including an outtake performance by The Beatles

Things They Said Today, a documentary about the film featuring director Richard Lester music producer George Martin, screenwriter Alun Owen and cinematographer Gilbert Taylor

Picturewise – a new piece about Richard Lester’s early work featuring a new audio interview with the director

Anatomy of a Style – a new piece on Richard Lester’s methods

New interview with author Mark Lewisohn

Audio commentary with cast and crew

New 50th Anniversary trailer

Paul McCartney writing

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