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Friday, January 19, 1962

New Brighton • Evening

Concert • By The Beatles • Part of the 1962 Liverpool Area Concerts

Last updated on December 4, 2021



  • Location: Tower Ballroom


From The Guardian – ‘If you want to be bigger than Elvis, do what the photographer tells you’ … John Lennon, Paul McCartney, Pete Best and George Harrison backstage at the Tower Ballroom in the early 1960s. Photograph: Mike McCartney

When it comes to Paul’s extraordinary band, this is one of my favourite photos. It was taken in the dressing room at the Tower Ballroom, New Brighton, in ’61 or ’62. It had gone from holding ballroom dances into rock’n’roll, so while our kid was on the bill experimenting with his music, I was doing the same with photography. In those days, the Beatles were supporting people like Joe Brown, Jerry Lee Lewis, Little Richard. Can you imagine? Those gigs were extraordinary, absolute magic. I’d be shooting from the ballroom balcony and the bouncers would sometimes throw the drunks off on to the floor below!

They’d just played the show when I took this photo backstage in the dressing room. They’ve been in their leathers and they’ve come offstage. That’s why John’s hair is all slicked back. That’s not Brylcreem – it’s sweat. I’d taken a more serious photograph before this one. It wasn’t hard to direct them. I’d say to John: “If you want to be bigger than Elvis, do what the photographer tells you.” Then I told them: “Now let’s have a daft one. Do whatever you like.” […]

I call our kid “Rambo Paul” in this photo, because his look reminds me of Stallone. I think Pete was doing one of the silly voices from The Goon Show. Then there’s nipple-shooting George. I have no idea why he’s pointing at Paul’s nipple. And we can’t ask him now.

The most important thing this photograph communicates is joy. It’s all about the fun, the camaraderie. They were totally relaxed in each other’s company and bounced off each other. All this business about the Beatles’ arguments – we all have arguments, for Christ’s sake. This photograph is a much stronger reflection of the reality.

Mike McCartney – From The Guardian, December 1, 2021

Tower Ballroom

This was the 8th concert played at Tower Ballroom.

A total of 27 concerts have been played there • 1961Nov 10th (Evening)Nov 24th (Evening)Dec 1st (Evening)Dec 8th (Evening)Dec 15th (Evening)Dec 26th1962Jan 12th (Evening)Jan 19th (Evening)Jan 26th (Evening)Feb 15th (Evening)Feb 16th (Evening)Feb 23rd (Evening)Mar 2nd (Evening)Apr 6th (Evening)Jun 21stJun 29th (Evening)Jul 13thJul 21stJul 27thAug 17thSep 14thSep 21stOct 12th (Evening)Nov 23rd (Evening)Dec 1st (Evening)Dec 7th (Evening)1963Jun 14th

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