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Release date Dec 17, 2020

Find My Way

Promotional film • For Paul McCartney • Directed by Roman Coppola

Last updated on December 28, 2020


  • Release date: Dec 17, 2020


  • Filming location: Hog Hill Studio, Rye, UK

Master album

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A video for the “McCartney III” track “Find My Way“, was published on streaming platforms, the day prior to the release of the album, December 17, 2020. On the same day, lyric videos for “Pretty Boys”, “Women And Wives” and “Winter Bird / When Winter Comes” were also released.

From paulmccartney.com, December 17, 2020:

[…] The newest and most in depth look at the McCartney III creative process surfaced this week in the form of the ‘Find My Way’ video Directed by Roman Coppola, the shoot utilized no less than 46 cameras to capture Paul on every instrument and from every angle, resulting in an unprecedented and intimate glimpse into Paul creating and performing a McCartney III highlight. […]

From The New Yorker, December 28, 2020:

[Roman Coppola] also directed a video for Paul McCartney’s “Find My Way,” from his latest album, “McCartney III,” on which the former Beatle plays all the instruments himself. It was shot remotely, with Coppola in Napa and McCartney at his home studio, in Sussex: “I was thinking, What if we get a crazy amount of security cameras that can be controlled through one brain—we ended up having fifty-three, I think—and then have him just do his thing?” McCartney ran through the song once at the piano. “I was, like, ‘Mr. McCartney, that was great.’ Then on to the harpsichord. We did vocals, backing vocals, acoustic guitar, electric guitar, drums, and we hardly needed to adjust the cameras.” He went on, “We took a couple of breaks, he had a cup of tea—

A shriek was heard from off camera. “Hey, guys? Guys! Just keep doing your animation, O.K.?” Coppola called. The screeching stopped, then resumed. Coppola laughed. “It was really just a document of an artist at work,” he continued, referring to the McCartney video. “The only thing I was sad about was that I didn’t get to meet him in person.” The footage from the fifty-three cameras was edited into a tapestry of tightly framed squares that appear to slide and shift, tile-puzzle style, to evoke the layered nature of McCartney’s work with his instruments. […]

A lyric video for “Find My Way” was published a few days after.

Paul McCartney writing

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