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Interview for paulmccartney.com

You Gave Me The Answer - Glastonbury Special

Press interview • Interview of Paul McCartney

Last updated on June 23, 2022



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Read interview on paulmccartney.com

PaulMcCartney.com: What’s your best Glastonbury memory?

Paul: My best memory was that moment we walked out on stage, when we performed there in 2004. The sheer size of the crowd, and the banners and the flags that they all hold up which reminded me of the battle of Agincourt! The crowds at Glastonbury have always reminded me of a medieval battle scene –  it looks very heraldic, and to see this iconic scene and particular Glastonbury ‘look’ was very exciting.

PM.com: Some people come up with really creative banners, don’t they?

Paul: Yeah, and they do look like something out of a scene from Henry V! Medieval is a good way to describe it.

PM.com: What would be in your festival survival kit?

Paul: A hotel room, first of all! No, if I wasn’t in a hotel – if I was camping – I would have to have a toothbrush and toothpaste, and we’d have to have a lighter for the fire, a guitar for singing around the campfire, a decent supply of food and water, and finally wellies.

PM.com: Do you have any surprises planned for this year’s performance? Or is that all going to be top secret?

Paul: Yeah, to tell you the truth we don’t know exactly what we’re going to do yet, but we are definitely planning on having a few tricks up our sleeve…

PM.com: We’ll have to watch this space.

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