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Saturday, July 20, 1968

Interview for Melody Maker

Paul on the next album

Press interview • Interview of Paul McCartney

Last updated on September 27, 2021


  • Recorded: Jul 17, 1968
  • Published: Jul 20, 1968
  • Published by: Melody Maker


Master release

Interviews from the same media

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The interview was made during the “Yellow Submarine” world premiere, on July 17, 1968.

Well, we started off our music simply. The point is some of the songs will be simple if they are phenomenal songs. If they aren’t they will need production.

Paul McCartney

What a boring waste of time!” The voice cut nasally across the small cinema where “Yellow Submarine” had just been shown to the press. It was a newspaper reporter snapping in the face of Paul McCartney.

But the Beatles – George, Ringo and Paul – remained cheerful, polite, friendly and co-operative, as if they were at some pleasant gathering of intelligent human life.

As it happens, the Beatles didn’t make the cartoon. They provided the music, and inspired producer Al Brodax and story writer Lee Minoff with their old hit “Yellow Submarine”.

The cartoon is the most imaginative, advanced and entertaining since “Fantasia“. So much happens on the screen “Submarine” seems much shorter than its 85 minutes, and needs to be seen several times to appreciate its full brilliance.

Although the Beatles did not make the film, and their voices are portrayed by actors, their humour and attitudes have been accurately captured, and their songs are given settings that allow their genius to shine in a new, exciting view.

As the hubbub subsided, the Beatles were able to talk about the cartoon, their next album, and a brief word on the Maharishi.

Will the follow-up album to Sgt Pepper remain involved in heavy promotions – or will the trend be towards more simplicity?

Well, we started off our music simply. The point is some of the songs will be simple if they are phenomenal songs. If they aren’t they will need production. ‘John Wesley Herding’ was simple and didn’t have big productions.

What did Paul think of the film?

I like what I’ve seen about it. But I hate premieres. I just go to make sure it’s a picture I’ve seen. The point is we haven’t made this film. It’s not us. I won’t take the credit – even it’s a big smash. It’s like saying Bambi made Walt Disney.

Meanwhile a small crowd had gathered round George Harrison, looking much younger with all moustaches shaved off.

George is being very significant,” warned Paul. Harrison was answering a reporter who suggested the Beatles were in the position to do anything they wanted.

This is only in other people’s eyes,” he explained. “It’s not a case of just us being able to do anything we like. Everybody can de anything like that! A car mechanic, when he mends a car has just done something he likes. People don’t have to curse and hate their employer. They just create bad vibrations from the way they do things. Even if a bloke can’t get a job and has got eight kids, at least he’s still got that! There is no such thing as good or bad luck. There is the reaction you are getting from life. You create the world you want to live in.

How did George feel now about his trip to India and views to the Maharishi?

I didn’t hope for anything. I got a lot of good things out of it and a lot of disappointments. I’m still meditating and I’m still a vegetarian. No, I’m not in touch with the Maharishi.

Said Paul, “He’s still a nice fella, but we don’t go out with him anymore.

Came the final question – are the Beatles still happy together?


Paul McCartney writing

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