Marking his first work in the world of dance, Paul announced the general release of Ocean’s Kingdom, commissioned by the New York City Ballet and performed by The London Classical Orchestra, Keen to tell a story through his music, Paul decided to focus on the purity of the ocean, creating a world featuring distinctive characters and a vibrant underworld kingdom. His collaborator Peter Martins created the choreography with the NYCB dancers. Ocean’s Kingdom duly topped the classical charts and reached the Number 1 spot in the US and Number 2 in the UK.
By Paul McCartney • Official album
Officially appears on Ocean's Kingdom
Officially appears on Ocean's Kingdom
Officially appears on Ocean's Kingdom
Officially appears on Ocean's Kingdom
Shows: 5 • Countries: 1
Shows: 4 • Countries: 1
June 2011 ? • Songs recorded during this session appear on Ocean's Kingdom
Sir Paul McCartney admits to being ballet novice
Sep 23, 2011 • From BBC News
Paul McCartney writing music for ballet
Jun 17, 2010 • From BBC News