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Written by Paul McCartney

Last updated on July 8, 2020

Album This song officially appears on the Standing Stone Official album.

Master album

Related sessions

This song was recorded during the following studio sessions:

Above all, I wanted Standing Stone to end with a celebratory passage. Besides the original sketches that I made for the work, I also had a tune that I wrote years ago but never found a use for. My children had grown up with it, my father-in-law liked it, and I always felt it was part of the family. I want everyone to leave happy after a performance of Standing Stone, since I write for people.

Paul McCartney, from Club Sandwich N°83, Autumn 1997


High above this overcrowded place

A little blackbird flies through space

and all he does

is search for love

Love is all that matters in the end

Whatever time I have to spend

will be with you

Forever true

Love is the oldest

secret of the universe

Warm as the sun

on two iridescent lovers

when they discover

that now

is all we ever really know

the past and future come and go

Because they do

I'll stay with you.

(Choir brings to rest:)

the past and future come and go

Because they do

I'll stay with you

Officially appears on



Live performances

Celebration” has been played in 36 concerts and 89 soundchecks.

Latest concerts where “Celebration” has been played

Paul McCartney writing

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