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Sam Okell

Last updated on May 6, 2021

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From Abbey Road Studios:

Sam played drums, piano, guitar and percussion from an early age in bands and orchestras. He was always the technical one even then, playing with the P.A. or an 8-track recorder. He went to specialist music school Wells Cathedral School where he got immersed in all types of music, before taking the prestigious Tonmeister degree course at University of Surrey from 1998 to 2002.

Sam took a placement year at Abbey Road from 2000 to 2001 and made such a good impression that he was taken on full time after graduating in 2002.
Sam believes that the best thing about being an engineer at Abbey Road is being able to work in some of the greatest recording rooms in the world with some of the most talented musicians, as well as an awesome collection of classic and custom-made vintage gear.

“This is the stuff that only a few engineers get their hands on…the variety and range of projects is really special, from film scores and orchestras, to bands and remixing some of the classic albums of all time!”

Sam has won multiple Grammys for his work as a recording engineer and mixer, and is equally in demand working on music and film projects. He has been involved in mixing and remastering projects for some of the biggest names in pop and rock including The Beatles, One Direction, Wings, PJ Harvey and Laura Marling as well as mixing and recording for huge Hollywood blockbusters and TV shows including The Man from U.N.C.L.E (Daniel Pemberton), The Hobbit, Maps To The Stars and Spotlight (Howard Shore), Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows and Zero Dark Thirty (Alexandre Desplat), Gravity, Fury and The Hunt (Steven Price).

From the Beatles 2009 remasters’ press release:

Sam’s first job as a member of the team was in 2006, assisting Paul Hicks on Paul McCartney’s DVD ‘The McCartney Years,’ and during that same year he was responsible for the re-mastering of George Harrison’s ‘Living In The Material World’ CD along with Steve Rooke. This led to him restoring the soundtrack to the Beatles film ‘Help!’ in surround and stereo, in addition to assisting Guy Massey with the song remixes.

Sam has re-mastered ‘With The Beatles’ and ‘Let It Be.’

Sam Okell mastered or remastered the following:

  • Flowers In The Dirt (2017)
  • The Beatles – 1+ (2016)
  • The Beatles – 1 (2016)
  • The Beatles – US Albums
  • NEW (2013)

Recording sessions Sam Okell participated in

Albums, EPs & singles which Sam Okell contributed to

Paul McCartney writing

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