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Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Interview for CINRA.NET

Interview with Cinra.net

Interview of Paul McCartney


  • Published: Oct 31, 2018
  • Published by: CINRA.NET
  • Interview by: Takashono Kuroda


Related album

AlbumThis interview was made to promote the "Egypt Station" Official album.

Master release

Songs mentioned in this interview

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Read interview on CINRA.NET

Paul McCartney, who won the first number in 36 years, Egypt Station for the first time in five years on September 7, came to Japan on October 29th. From today, we will hold “Fresh-Up Japan Tour 2018” at Tokyo Dome, Bothikoku Kokugikan and Nagoya Dome.

On the 30th the day after coming to Japan, Paul took a thorough rehearsal at the Tokyo Dome. Following his rehearsal, he succeeded in exclusive interview with CINRA.NET following his request to “deliver my feelings to young and sensitive people.”

Legend in the legend which has the title “Sir” and has continued to update the history of rock music for more than half a century. But in front of him he was a frank and charming gentleman who had nothing to do with the stage behavior.

You are well versed in music as well as painting, and you draw pictures yourself. The artwork of the latest work “Egypt Station” was also a motif of the same name painted by himself in 1999.

Paul : Yeah, that’s right.

I think that this article will read a lot of readers of 10 to 20 generations, how did you hone susceptibility at that time? How did you absorb and output music, art, fashion, etc?

Paul : I graduated from school at the age of 17, but the first thing I was interested in was English literature and poetry. I also like to watch play, and after that I got interested in art. Especially the modern art is my favorite, I often go to the gallery.

After getting absorbed in music further after that, I decided to join a certain group. That was The Beatles (laugh). Moreover, all of the members were interested in art, especially the movies. In my dreams to supervise movies with everyone.

Is that so.

Paul : I thought “We can be absolutely absolutely” and anything I still think so (laugh). Anyhow the imagination was rich. There are many good points of The Beatles, but among them, I think that “imagination” and “intelligence” were a little better than other groups. We were able to evolve more rapidly because the school’s grades were also good and not a kind of music.

How did such politeness and creative imagination have been polished? How did you input information and sublimate it as a work in the era when there was not a net yet?

Paul : That’s right, perhaps young people may not imagine. Of course there was no SNS, so all direct interaction with people is all. Now, as you are doing this way, there was only about talking face-to-face or calling. I guess it was right now to listen to the voice directly, anyway, as it is on the phone or face to face, “Let’s go see it together because there is such a movie next time”, I guess it was very good.

Now I am almost done with e-mails and messengers.

Paul : Of course, I think it’s useful? But, when you send an e-mail saying “How are you doing tomorrow morning?”, Then the conversation is over when you return “work is done” (laugh). If it were a phone, would the conversation continue like “Why can not we meet?” “How are you feeling?” I think I had exchanged much more information than email.

Jokes are easy to convey as well. “How are you doing tomorrow morning?” Can be jokingly laughing depending on how you say, but you can only judge it by letter in the mail. Do not you think that it was richer in times when you were doing catch balls of words with your opponent while demonstrating imagination?

The Beatles’ four people were always together, they constantly had discussions with jokes, were not they?

Paul : In those days, the phone also promised time, I was only talking face-to-face. I frequently went back and forth to each other’s house and wrote songs and it was a very intimate relationship. So, if someone says something, they knew each other, from what kind of feelings they emanated to what they really wanted to say. There was a lot of things transmitted even with a slight expression.

That way, communication in times when there was no Internet was useful for honeing creativity and imagination.

“The Beatles (The White Album)” was released just 50 years ago from now.

Paul : 50 years! I can not believe it (laugh). I think that time is strange. Especially the artist will not feel much over time.

There is a phrase “Time flies when you’re having fun”, it is exactly that. I think that 50 years had been such awfully quickly, I thought that it was enjoying after all.

What do you think about the situation that young people still listen to albums released 50 years ago?

Paul : I was also interested in that. Of course not only The Beatles, Wings, too. I have recently realized that many young people “rediscover” Wings’ work.

– For example The Lemon Twigs, there are many songs that feel the influence from Wings rather than The Beatles.

Paul : I really appreciate it. Because I thought that the work would be forgotten after five years and ten years since it was released.

Nevertheless, not only The Beatles but also Wings continues to remain, and reevaluation is steadily progressing. When incorporated into the set list of the tour, children in their teens sang together and they remember the lyrics properly from me (laugh).


Paul : I have a 19-year old grandfather called Arthur, and his friend came to see the live. “The song” All My Loving “was really nice, is it a new song?” So I taught “No, it’s a very old song” (laugh). But for the child it was the first song to hear, it probably was fresh.

– Freshen Up yourself even after passing the age of 70, what motivation to keep up with pop music, what secret can you keep keeping energy?

Paul : “Enjoying” and “Keeping passion” is it. You guys also have a passion as a journalist, do not you? Well, how do you feel like you can not stay even if you stay, even when it seems like “How to make this an article?”

– I’ve just tasted it right now (laugh).

Paul : That ‘s it. With passion and enjoying it, it will be both motivational and energy.

That’s why I feel like I’m playing, not work. For example, when members and staff say “live of tomorrow” as “work of tomorrow”, I always return “hobby, is not it?” (Laugh).

Paul : Anyway, it is fun to play musical instruments and make music. Because, is creation starting from a place nothing? However, if I think of “making songs”, new things are born there two hours later. I’m not getting excited so much. When this interview is over, when you write up the article, you feel awesome pleasure?

– There is no doubt.

Paul : Exactly that feeling! Have love and passion, enjoy, enjoy the pleasure … sex is also the same.


Paul : No, did you hear something?

– I’m recording (lol).

Paul : Whoa! (Lol)

-(Lol). By the way, did not the phrase “Do not trust over thirty (do not believe over thirty years old)” was born in the 1960s?

Paul : That’s right. I thought so. Especially when I was 17 years old, I saw older people with pathetic eyes. John (Lennon) and I went to art school, but there were people around the age of 24 in school. I felt extremely old as if I was growing an awkward beard, and I said two people, “Sorry … ….”

But when such we are 30 years old, “I am young 24 years old” (laugh). So, at the age of 40, I think that “30 years old is still young.” It’s iterating.

– Pop music is supposed to belong to teens, and you probably think that you were making songs in such a posture, probably in their twenties.

Paul : You’re right. When I was boiling down with song making, I and John were always thinking “What if I was 17 years old, what would you do?” Because I knew the best answer when I was 17 years old. The good ones are good, the things disgusting are disgusting when I was 17 years old, the more I grow up, the more I tend to say like “Well, well, maybe it may be Ali”?

– “Confidante” recorded in “Egypt Station” <You are singing as a friend under the stairs that was my counselor>. I thought this was an eternal buddy about John, but maybe it may be Paul McCartney when I was 17 years old. Even now after 70 years old, does he live in your heart?

Paul : I mean, I am still 17 years old! (Lol)

– “Egypt Station” is a wonderful album, you’ve been constantly adopting new things from the time of The Beatles to the present, and practicing the latest expressions while running the front line of the world.

Paul : The group called The Beatles kept moving forward as an art form every time he released an album. Especially the growth at “The White Album” was big. The content was plentiful, and it also contained pretty unique songs.

As for themselves, when I made up “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band”, I felt honest that “I can not go ahead” any more. However, “The White Album” proved that I could go ahead if I found the way.

– But, at that time, I heard that cracks were beginning to occur little by little even in the bond between members.

Paul : Because it was frustrating in business. When I looked at the office, it was told that “advertisement” from adults is “this way”. We thought that it was “a boring story” on the spot (laugh).

But if you go back to the studio, there are only four people in the room. The Beatles as a group of artists who can do creative work is always the best. John ‘s song I play the bass, John plays the guitar in my song …. Both apples and George have a lot of songs all together.

Looking back now, “The White Album” is also one passing point in The Beatles’ career. In the era of The Beatles, I have experienced amazing changes even by myself. Take out various types of albums, become famous and come with money. As much as there are still people who imitate them, wear cool fashion. I got a girlfriend, some members got married, and I grew humanly. That is my twenties.

– Even after that, Egypt Station won the first number in the United States for the first time in 36 years, continuing to change all the time.

Paul : That’s right. I think I made a step forward with “Egypt Station”. “Oh, I’m tired of making albums, I earn enough money and I can take vacations as well” Is not it possible to say?

– Do you want to do so?

Paul : No, it’s impossible (laugh). Because I want to work on creative activities as soon as I have time.

– It is really a workaholic.

Paul : I will tell you, I also have a vacation properly? It is often said that “I am very busy,” but in fact this August was completely rested. People who can do such things are not quite right? (Haha) That’s not even a workaholic person. But when I take a month off I think “OK, let’s do our best again.”

– Your vacation is also necessary for your family. Speaking of families, your children like creative work such as fashion designer Stella, photographer Mary and musician James etc all have a creative work.

Paul : Yes, everyone is smart, right? Here, look at this (saying, take out the smartphone from the pocket, show me the group photo showing the grandchildren and the children stuck on the back). If you put a photo on the case of a smartphone like this, you do not have to manipulate the screen each time (laugh).

– It is a very adorable picture. Did you make a special childcare to become a creative person?

Paul : No, no. It was all left to the principal. Nothing has been said from Stella to Linda (the first wife who was a photographer) to stella “Aim for a fashion designer”. I began to become interested in fashion from myself and started studying clothing at university. Mary and James are the same.

There is direction of life for each person, it is important to realize by themselves. I just supported it. You must never force it. If you do such a thing, there is also the way to resist and go to the truth opposite to what parents want.

– The time has come soon, so let me finish the last question. Various messages are also sung at “Egypt Station”, but how do you see the society now?

Paul : I think that what is happening in the world is like a “pendulum”. For example, if you are biased towards a liberal idea, then in the reaction it will move in the opposite direction. Unfortunately, it is “right turning” now.

For example, the playing card … Well … (frown face) I think that it is still insensitive person as well. In a Pittsburgh shooting incident (October 27, a Jewish worship place in Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania, a man shot a gun and 11 people were killed and 6 people were injured), a political rally was held and Farrell · Did you use Williams’ s “Happy”?


Paul : (says “Happy”) “Happy” Why? I wonder what humans who can shed that song in that situation are not insensitive. I think cards are people who lack compassion and imagination for people.

Not only in him but in the world now I think that the right turning is advancing in various countries, and I think that it is not a good thing. So now I am waiting for the pendulum to be shaken back again. I also think that I will definitely return.

– In such a situation, what kind of situation do you think music is?

Paul : Music itself is quite a nice situation right now. Musically human beings are liberal people. There are extreme lyrics on some hip hops, but there are few listeners who pay special attention to such content or get depressed about their contents. “Just being just enjoying the beat”.

So, I do not think so seriously, and I do not think of anything when people go wrong with music. Rather it is the opposite, I regard musical music as a good thing for any human pop music. Now, there are problems only in the political world.

Actually, today I am thinking to post messages to Instagram. It’s a message about gun control. “I want a US politician who chooses in the election to be a person who thinks with a reasonable idea to face gun control.” I also participated in the gun control meeting but it was wonderful. It’s mainly young people mainly. Some also said they faced a gun battle at school. It seems that it is very meaningful that such people are participating, and again we must have a change around here. I think that I want it there.

Paul McCartney writing

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