Early 1994, Paul McCartney embarked into a two-year journey to revisit his past and build what would become the multi-media “Beatles Anthology” – a TV documentary, a three-volume set of double albums, and a book focusing on the history of the Beatles.
He would also start working on his next solo projects – writing the first songs to appear on his 1997 album “Flaming Pie” and working on his second major classic piece, “Standing Stone“.
By The Beatles • Official live
Venus And Mars (by DCC Compact Classics)
By Paul McCartney • Official album
Paul McCartney on His Life as a Bassist
November 1994 • From Reverb
Feb 10, 1994 • From RollingStone
Winter 1994 • From Club Sandwich
Paul McCartney on his favourite basses, key lines and influential players
Nov 01, 1994 • From musicradar