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Tony Randall

Last updated on December 26, 2023

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From Anthony Randall (editiondb.com):

Born in Neath, South Wales, Anthony Randall graduated from the University of Wales, Cardiff with an Honours Degree in Music. He was awarded a scholarship to study horn, conducting and composition at the Royal Academy of Music. There followed a distinguished career as a horn player with the major London orchestras and solo performances in London, Edinburgh and Lucerne.

He has conducted the Royal Philharmonic, the National Philharmonic and the English Chamber Orchestras, the London Mozart Players and more tham two hundred broadcasts for the BBC, some of which included his own compositions and arrangemnets.

Recordings include Mozart’s Piano Concerto No.21 with pianist Earl Wild and the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra and, for the film Duet for One, Bruch’s Violin Concerto No.1 with Nigel Kennedy and the Sinfonia of London.

From 1983 to 1996 he was Professor of Horn and Head of Brass at the London College of Music and, in 2001, retired from the Royal Military School of Music Kneller Hall where he was Professor of Horn for eleven years.

In February of 1967, Tony Randall was one of four French horn players who recorded overdubs on the track “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band.” 

Recording sessions Tony Randall participated in

Albums, EPs & singles which Tony Randall contributed to

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