Recording "The Fool On The Hill", "Hello, Goodbye"

Friday, October 20, 1967 • For The Beatles

Album Songs recorded during this session officially appear on the Magical Mystery Tour (US LP - Mono) LP.
EMI Studios, Studio Three, Abbey Road

Songs recorded


The Fool On The Hill

Written by Lennon - McCartney

Recording • SI onto take 6


Hello, Goodbye

Written by Lennon - McCartney

Recording • SI onto take 17


Musicians on "Hello, Goodbye"

Musicians on "The Fool On The Hill"

Production staff

George Martin:
Phil McDonald:
Second Engineer
Ken Scott:


During this recording session, which lasted from 7 pm to 3:45 am, the goal was to add overdubs of flutes and violas onto two Beatles songs, “The Fool On The Hill” and “Hello, Goodbye“.

The Fool On The Hill” had been recorded over two days, on September 25 and 26, 1967, with backing vocals added on September 27. The final touch to the song was the addition, on this day, of three flutes, played by Jack Ellory and brothers Christopher and Richard Taylor, which were recorded as Take 7 on a separate tape as all tracks on the main tape were full.

On October 25 1967, Takes 6 and 7 were mixed in sync to create a final mono master.

Hello, Goodbye” had been recorded in two sessions so far, on October 2 and 19, 1967. On this day, two viola players, Ken Essex and Leo Birnbaum, were booked to play between 8 pm and 11 pm. However, due to the session running over time, they were required to stay until 2:30 am and were consequently paid double the agreed fee.

It appears that George Martin, the Beatles’ producer, had not yet written the viola score and had to create it on the spot. Once the score was ready, the viola parts were recorded as Take 17 (the reference track created as Take 17 the previous day was not used).

Paul McCartney was doodling at the piano, and George Martin was sitting next to him writing down what Paul was playing.

Leo Birnbaun – From “The Complete Beatles Recording Sessions” by Mark Lewisohn, 1988

All of the Beatles were there. One of them was sitting on the floor in what looked like a pyjama suit, drawing with crayons on a piece of paper.

Ken Essex – From “The Complete Beatles Recording Sessions” by Mark Lewisohn, 1988

Work on “Hello, Goodbye” continued on October 25, 1967.

Last updated on April 15, 2023

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