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Wednesday, November 3, 1965

"Rubber Soul" Session #9

For The Beatles

Last updated on June 4, 2021

Master session


  • Recording studio: EMI Studios, Studio Two, Abbey Road


Master release

AlbumSome of the songs worked on during this session were first released on the "Rubber Soul (UK Mono)" LP

Some of the songs from this session also appear on:

EMI STUDIOS, ABBEY ROAD, LONDON, NOVEMBER 3, 1965 A panoramic view of The Beatles at work in Studio 2 during the recording of ‘Michelle’ for Rubber Soul.  - From THE BEATLES – Looking Through You
A panoramic view of The Beatles at work in Studio 2 during the recording of ‘Michelle’ for Rubber Soul. – From THE BEATLES – Looking Through You
From Facebook – 3 November 1965 Photo by Leslie Bryce © Beatles Book Photo Library (https://www.beatlesbookphotolibrary.com/)
From Facebook – 3 November 1965 Photo by Leslie Bryce © Beatles Book Photo Library (https://www.beatlesbookphotolibrary.com/)

Session activities

  1. Michelle

    Written by Lennon - McCartney

    Recording • Take 1

  2. Michelle

    Written by Lennon - McCartney

    Recording • Tape reduction take 1 into take 2

  3. Michelle

    Written by Lennon - McCartney

    Recording • SI onto take 2


Production staff

Going further

The Complete Beatles Recording Sessions • Mark Lewisohn

The definitive guide for every Beatles recording sessions from 1962 to 1970.

We owe a lot to Mark Lewisohn for the creation of those session pages, but you really have to buy this book to get all the details - the number of takes for each song, who contributed what, a description of the context and how each session went, various photographies... And an introductory interview with Paul McCartney!

Buy on Amazon

The Beatles Recording Reference Manual - Volume 2 - Help! through Revolver (1965-1966)

The second book of the Association for Recorded Sound Collections (ARSC)-nominated series, "The Beatles Recording Reference Manual: Volume 2: Help! through Revolver (1965-1966)" follows the evolution of the band from the end of Beatlemania with "Help!" through the introspection of "Rubber Soul" up to the sonic revolution of "Revolver". From the first take to the final remix, discover the making of the greatest recordings of all time.

Through extensive, fully-documented research, these books fill an important gap left by all other Beatles books published to date and provide a unique view into the recordings of the world's most successful pop music act.

Buy on Amazon

Paul McCartney writing

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