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September - October 1979

"McCartney II" sessions #2

For Paul McCartney

Last updated on May 25, 2020

Paul McCartney spent the summer of 1979 recording tracks at home, which would end up forming the McCartney II album. In September / October, he moved to Abbey Road studios for the mixing of those tracks, with the assistance of Eddie Klein.

It was during the mixing of the recordings in Number 2 studio when I became more involved with the project. Paul did all the mixing and my role was simply that of second engineer and technician. […] I don’t remember how long the mixing process took though it was probably no longer than a week, two at most. Paul then mixed the short edit pieces required for transitions from one song to another.

Eddie Klein – From the McCartney II Archive Collection
From puremccartney.com – PAUL RECORDING ‘MCCARTNEY II’, EAST SUSSEX, 1979

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We owe a lot to Chip Madinger and Mark Easter for the creation of those session pages, but you really have to buy this book to get all the details!

Eight Arms To Hold You: The Solo Beatles Compendium is the ultimate look at the careers of John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr beyond the Beatles. Every aspect of their professional careers as solo artists is explored, from recording sessions, record releases and tours, to television, film and music videos, including everything in between. From their early film soundtrack work to the officially released retrospectives, all solo efforts by the four men are exhaustively examined.

As the paperback version is out of print, you can buy a PDF version on the authors' website

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