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Released in 1997

Flaming Pie

Written by Paul McCartney

Last updated on September 17, 2020

Album This song officially appears on the Flaming Pie Official album.

Timeline This song was officially released in 1997

Timeline This song was written, or began to be written, in 1996, when Paul McCartney was 54 years old)

Master album

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This song was recorded during the following studio sessions:

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Flaming Pie” is a Paul McCartney song appearing on the eponymous album released in 1997. From the liner notes:

The “pie” lyric that had arrived unto Paul on horseback fitted perfectly with some funky riffs he and Jeff Lynne had evolved days earlier while waiting to overdub on to ‘Souvenir’. With lyric and music suddenly fashioned, “Flaming Pie” was recorded quickly – for, entirely appropriately. Paul suggested that the song be taped with the speed that the Beatles often worked, cutting three songs in a day. Setting themselves a four hour deadline, Paul singing live to his own piano accompaniment with Jeff on guitar before adding drums and bass, and then, guitars and harmony vocals.

John joked that the name Beatles came in a vision from a man on a flaming pie, coming unto us…you are Beatles with an A. I was riding with my missus, thinking of lyrics, searching for a rhyme with ‘sky’… ‘bye’… ‘pie’. The story came back and I thought ‘Ooo, ‘flaming pie’.

Paul McCartney, from the liner notes of “Flaming Pie”
Paul McCartney, in Club Sandwich n°82, Summer 1997:

We had some funny moments during the making of the Anthology, when we remembered things differently. The biggest was “who thought of the name Beatles?”. George and I both remember it the same way: John and Stu had come out of their flat in Gambier Terrace, Liverpool, and we were walking towards the Dingle, chatting, when they told us of their new name for the band. But, what with one thing and another, we didn’t exactly say this in the TV and video series. 

I was working with Jeff Lynne on ‘Souvenir’ when we decided that we wanted to add some raw, heavy-ish guitars. We had the amps belting in the studio, playing the guitars in the control room with long leads, and while the engineers were getting the sound we started vamping and found a few chords and some funky riffs. I started shouting a little bit of a melody and so I asked the engineer to stick on a DAT tape. We just jammed, but then I suggested we turn it into a song. The words came to me a few days later when I was out horse riding with Linda, going through some birch woods. I was musing and dreaming about the lyrics, looking for a rhyme for “sky”, going through the alphabet, when I got to “pie”. The words “flaming pie” fitted and I got quite excited about it. “Making love underneath the moon” became “Making love underneath the bed” – it was great fun to write.

Between 20 and 27 February 1996, writes words for FLAMING PIE [at home], to put to melody that evolved out of jam during session for SOUVENIR

From Club Sandwich n°82, Summer 1997

Mark Lewisohn, in Club Sandwich n°82, Summer 1997:

One of the many remarkable aspects for Paul when revisiting his earlier years for The Beatles Anthology was the problem of correlating differing memories of the same event. Perhaps the knottiest issue was the all-important “how did the Beatles acquire their name?”. The crux of the matter was a short, witty article written by John Lennon for the launch issue of the Liverpool pop paper Mersey Beat, published in July 1961, in which he wrote “How did the name arrive? It came in a vision – a man appeared on a flaming pie and said unto them ‘From this day on you are Beatles with an A’. Thank you, Mister Man, they said, thanking him.” While some recognise this as characteristic Lennon whimsy – much like the prose that would later go into his best-selling books – there remained, during the making of the Anthology TV series, a fantastic private debate as to whether or not John really did receive a vision about a man appearing on a flaming pie. The dispute fascinated Paul, and one morning in February 1996, while out horse-riding, his musings about song lyrics caused him to recall the phrase “flaming pie”. With what he now admits to being a “mischievous” gleam in his eye, he quickly wrote the entire set of verses and chorus, which fitted perfectly with some funky riffs he and Jeff Lynne had evolved days earlier while waiting to overdub guitars on to ‘Souvenir’. With lyric and music fashioned, ‘Flaming Pie’ was recorded quickly – for, entirely appropriately, Paul suggested that the song be taped with the speed that the Beatles often worked, cutting three songs in a day. Setting themselves a four hour deadline, the track came together with relative ease, Paul singing live to his own piano accompaniment (something rarely done in these days of expansive multi-tracking) with Jeff Lynne on guitar, before adding drums and bass and then more guitars and harmony vocals. Months later, with his collection of songs complete, Paul dismissed Calico Skies, The Song We Were Singing and Souvenir as possibilities and, finding its comedic element coming nicely unto him, had the vision to title his new album Flaming Pie.

From Mersey Beat, July 6-20, 1961 – “Suddently, in Scotland, touring with Johnny Gentle, the group (called The Beatles called) discovered they had not a very nice sound – because they had no amplifiers. They got some. Many people ask what are Beatles? Why Beatles? Ugh, Beatles, how did the name arrive? So we will tell you. It came in a vision – a man appeared on a flaming pie and said unto them ‘From this day on you are Beatles with an A’. Thank you, Mister Man, they said, thanking him”

Flaming Pie” was remastered in 2016 for inclusion on the “Pure McCartney” compilation, and then in 2020 for the “Flaming Pie Archive Collection“, both times by engineer Alex Wharton. As explained on the Steve Hoffman forum:

It’s interesting that for both ‘Pure McCartney’ in 2016 and the new 2020 remaster the polarity is different. Which means something went wrong in the final mastering stage of the original 1997 issue. Because ‘Pure McCartney’ worked from a compressed and limited 1997 master, and this 2020 remaster from a tape without that compression and limiting.

by forum resident “mindgames”


Making love underneath the bed

Shooting stars from a purple sky

I don't care how I do it

I'm the man on the flaming pie

Stick my tongue out and lick my nose

Tuck my shirt in and zip my fly

Go ahead, have a vision

I'm the man on the flaming pie

Everything I do has a simple explanation

When I'm with you, you could do with a vacation

I took my brains out and stretched ‘em on the rack

Now I'm not so sure I'm ever gonna get ‘em back

Cut my toes off to spite my feet

I don't know whether to laugh or cry

Never mind, check my rhythm

I'm the man on the flaming pie

I'm the man on the flaming pie

Now everything I do has a simple explanation

When I'm with you, you could do with a vacation

I took my brains out and stretched ‘em on the rack

Now I'm not so sure I'm ever gonna get ‘em back


  • A Album version
  • A1 Pre-mastered version
  • A2016 2016 remaster
  • A2020 2020 remaster
  • B Home Recording
  • C From "Flaming Pie" EPK #2
  • L1 Live version from "Good Evening New York City"

Officially appears on


See all bootlegs containing “Flaming Pie


Live performances

Flaming Pie” has been played in 71 concerts and 56 soundchecks.

Latest concerts where “Flaming Pie” has been played

Going further

Paul McCartney: Music Is Ideas. The Stories Behind the Songs (Vol. 2) 1990-2012

This new book by Luca Perasi traces Paul McCartney's post-Beatles output from 1990 to 2012 in the form of 250 song entries, filled with details about the recordings, stories behind the sessions and musical analysis. His pop albums, his forays into classical and avant-garde music, his penchant for covering old standards: a complete book to discover how these languages cross-pollinate and influence each other.

The second volume in a series that has established itself as a unique guide to take the reader on a journey into the astonishing creativity of Paul McCartney.

Read our exclusive interview with Luca Perasi

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Sylvain • 8 years ago

Was he actually riding his missus? Or *with* her?!

The PaulMcCartney Project • 8 years ago

haha - good spot Sylvain ! Issue fixed ;) Thank you for your comment.

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