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Released in 1965

Another Girl

Written by Lennon - McCartney

Last updated on March 2, 2021

Album This song officially appears on the Help! (Mono) LP.

Timeline This song was officially released in 1965

Master album

Related sessions

This song was recorded during the following studio sessions:

From Wikipedia:

Another Girl” is a song by the Beatles released in 1965 on the album Help! and included in the film of the same name. The song was written by Paul McCartney but credited to Lennon–McCartney. The song is directed to the singer’s girlfriend who is advised the singer has found “another girl.

Composition and recording

McCartney wrote the song while holidaying in Hammamet, a resort in Tunisia. With an up-tempo swing-beat that the writer favoured (“Can’t Buy Me Love“, “She’s a Woman“) the song opens with a short refrain, powered by block vocal harmonies, that segues straight into the verse, which is constructed on the blues-mode chord changes the group currently favoured. The bridge theme makes a sudden key change up a minor third from A to C (a harmonic strategy also used on the record’s next track “You’re Going to Lose That Girl“) and features more close three-part harmonies as the aggressively sung verse’s apparent threat to a jealous girl turns into a sweet tribute to the “other” girl who “will always be my friend“.

The Beatles recorded the song on 15 February 1965, having also worked on “Ticket to Ride” and “I Need You“. The backing track was quickly recorded in a single take. George Harrison added a guitar “flourish” at the end which was omitted from the final mix: McCartney added lead guitar the next day. This is one of several Beatles songs recorded at the time on which McCartney played lead guitar in addition to his usual bass. Four-track recording allowed the group to refine songs’ arrangements in the studio and McCartney often had clear ideas about the guitar lines he wanted. He also contributed lead guitar to “Ticket to Ride” and played an electric guitar duet with Harrison on “The Night Before“. The song was mixed down on 18 February and again on 23 February. […]

Live performances

The song was performed live for the first time ever by a Beatle when Paul McCartney returned to the Nippon Budokan, Tokyo, on 28 April 2015, for the first time in 49 years. Indeed, this concert commemorates the 49th anniversary of the first Beatles concert at the venue. In a released statement, McCartney said, “It was sensational and quite emotional remembering the first time and then experiencing this fantastic audience tonight.

In the film Help!

In the film Help!, McCartney lip-syncs “Another Girl” while standing on a coral reef on Balmoral Island in the Bahamas, and plays a girl in a bikini as if she is a guitar. Since McCartney’s hands are occupied (with either bass or girl), George Harrison mimes McCartney’s guitar fills as if playing them himself. The four of them each change instruments. For instance, Harrison is seen playing McCartney’s bass and looks confused. Starr is shown playing acoustic guitar and Lennon mimes playing drums. Another scene was filmed at the Cloisters, a famous Bahamian landmark. […]

Paul McCartney, Many Years From Now, by Barry Miles; of this song and other album tracks:

It’s a bit much to call them fillers because I think they were a bit more than that, and each one of them made it past the Beatles test. We all had to like it. If anyone didn’t like one of our songs it was vetoed. It could be vetoed by one person. If Ringo said, ‘I don’t like that one,’ we wouldn’t do it, or we’d have to really persuade him.

From The Usenet Guide to Beatles Recording Variations:

  • [a] mono 18 Feb 1965.
    UK: Parlophone PMC 1255 Help! 1965.
  • [b] stereo 23 Feb 1965.
    UK: Parlophone PCS 3071 Help! 1965.
    US: Capitol SMAS 2386 Help! 1965.
  • [b1] mono made from [b] 1965, by Capitol.
    US: Capitol MAS 2386 Help! 1965.
  • [c] stereo 1987.
    CD: EMI CDP 7 46439 2 Help! 1987.

The main rhythm track is mixed quieter in mono [a] than in stereo.


For I have got another girl, another girl

You're making me say that I've got nobody but you

But as from today, well I've got somebody that's new

I ain't no fool and I don't take what I don't want

For I have got another girl, another girl

She's sweeter that all the girls and I've met quite a few

Nobody in all the world can do what she can do

And so I'm telling you this time you'd better stop

For I have got another girl

Another girl who will love me till the end

Through thick and thin she will always be my friend

I don't wanna say that I've been unhappy with you

But as from today, well I've seen somebody that's new

I ain't no fool and I don't take what I don't want

For I have got another girl

Another girl who will love me till the end

Through thick and thin she will always be my friend

I don't wanna say that I've been unhappy with you

But as from today, well I've seen somebody that's new

I ain't no fool and I don't take what I don't want

For I have got another girl

Another girl, another girl

Officially appears on

See all official recordings containing “Another Girl


See all bootlegs containing “Another Girl


Live performances

Another Girl” has been played in 22 concerts and 10 soundchecks.

Latest concerts where “Another Girl” has been played

Paul McCartney writing

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