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Thursday, June 10, 1976


Concert • By Wings • Part of the Wings Over the World tour

Last updated on October 21, 2023

And from there with Wings to the Kingdome was pretty interesting because by then we were pretty strong. We broke our own record [Wings played here to 67,000, beating The Beatles’ record at Shea Stadium]. So that was nice, a big pay-off for Wings after all that terror, post-Beatles, that it would never be as good; and suddenly you found ‘Oh my God, it is as good.’ And I meet people to this day who say ‘Oh, I like Wings better.’ So it’s a generational thing as well.

Paul McCartney, in the 2003 Back To The World tour book – talking about his favourite gigs

From The Seattle Times, March 26, 2000:

If there was any doubt that the Kingdome was suitable for rock shows, Paul McCartney and Wings wiped it out last night with a spectacular extravaganza that was the highlight of their American tour.

It was the biggest audience of the tour and set a new indoor attendance record for a single act – 67,000-plus. The stage light and sound systems were larger than any other date on the tour and were specially designed for the Dome. The concert was filmed, videotaped and recorded and Geraldo Rivera and his crew shot footage for an upcoming ABC-TV special.

McCartney himself was bubbling with enthusiasm and obviously happy with the record crowd. He was full of boundless energy throughout the two-hour show, mugging, prancing and joking. He said he was having a good time and he looked it . . . One of the great excitements of the entire evening was the deafening roar of 67,000 people at the end and the sight of thousands of matches lighting the darkened hall before the encore. . .

Nothing could have christened the Dome as a rock hall more dramatically or excitingly – the only currently performing Beatle in the biggest show of his tour. It was a night Seattle rockers will long remember.


This was the 1st and only concert played at Kingdome.

Setlist for the concert

  1. Encore

See song statistics for “Wings Over the World tour”

Going further

Wings Live - On tour in the 70s

This is the first detailed study of Paul McCartney's Wings on tour in the 1970s. It covers every single concert from the University Tour of 1972, ending with the abandoned tour of Japan in January 1980. A wide variety of primary sources have been consulted, including all available audio and video recordings; press reviews; fan recollections; newspaper reports and tour programmes.

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[…] 1976 – The first concert ever performed at the Seattle Kingdome features Paul McCartney and Wi… […]

cloverfieldaudio • 5 years ago

I was at this show. It was my first concert. It set a high bar for anything to follow, few if any have lived up to the moments of this show. I consider myself very fortunate to have made the choice to go. I will never forget it.

The PaulMcCartney Project • 5 years ago

@cloverfieldaudio Must have been magic as a first concert !!! Thanks for sharing your memory !

Ron Fowler • 4 years ago

Why is Linda McCartney's name on all those songs? I have the original albums and 45's, and the only one she has a co-writing credit on is Hi, Hi, Hi.

The PaulMcCartney Project • 4 years ago

Hi Ron, Linda shared a co-writing credits on almost all songs of Band On The Run, Venus And Mars. But true that some 45s only credit "McCartney" , which is ambiguous. The latest Archive Collection have made the credits explicit.

Ron Fowler • 4 years ago

I have an original pressing of Venus and Mars. On side one, it says "all songs written by Paul McCartney"; side two says "all songs written by Paul McCartney except" with references to Medicine Jar and Crossroads Theme. Band on the Run just says "all songs written by McCartney" except No Words, credited to McCartney-Laine. No mention of Linda co-writing songs on those albums; ditto for Red Rose Speedway. The only ones that list her as co-writer are on Ram and Wildlife.

The PaulMcCartney Project • 4 years ago

Hi Ron, you've got me confused, and I have done a bit more research. I think the truth lies with ASCAP.

See the registration for Band On The Run here: https://www.ascap.com/repertory#/ace/search/workID/320183584

See the registration for Silly Love Songs here: https://www.ascap.com/repertory#/ace/search/workID/490351563

In both cases, the credits go to Paul & Linda.

Hope that helps.

sharon • 4 years ago

this was the first concert i went to and i will never forget my sister laughing at me because some one handed me a joint i though it was a cigarette and said to the guy no thanks i only smoke filtered lmfao

The PaulMcCartney Project • 4 years ago

Thanks for sharing your memories, Sharon - what a souvenir this might be !!

Rick Geiger • 4 years ago

I attended this concert with three others. From the age of nine - when the Beatles first appeared on the Ed Sullivan Show - to this very date I have been a huge Beatles and Paul McCartney fan. We were on the floor in front of the stage during the first part of the concert, but we weren't very close. We walked around a bit to find a better spot and discovered no one in the seats behind the stage. So we sat back there. We could still see the band fairly well, and were much closer to them. It was then that Paul sat down at the piano, situated toward the rear of the stage, and performed "The Long and Winding Road". At the conclusion of the number I stood and cheered madly, while my three companions just sat there clapping politely. It was at that moment that Paul turned in our direction and gave a bit of a wave. To this day I swear it was aimed at me, for I was the only one in my group giving a suitable reaction to the performance. Yes, Paul McCartney waved to me.

By the way, it was during the following intermission that an usher came over and chased us out of the section. It was apparently supposed to be closed...

The PaulMcCartney Project • 4 years ago

hi Rich, thanks for sharing those awesome memories !!

Alex • 4 years ago

I found a discrepancy in the Wings Over America Deluxe Boxset. if you look at the book inside and the gigs calendar, there’s no mention of this date 10.06.1976. so strange. there’s the picture of the arena inside but no notes about this event. if you even look to the detailed scheduled, it is even indicated no engagement on 10.06.1976. so funny. any possible explanation ? thank you 🙂

The PaulMcCartney Project • 4 years ago

Hi Alex thanks for your comment. I will look at this when I'm back from holidays. Cheers

Wendy • 3 years ago

Myself and three friends (all 16yo) drove down from Vancouver, BC to see this awesome concert...at one point there was a gigantic white balloon Paul was tossing back and forth to the audience with. Suddenly, it started whizzing around (must have popped) and came straight to me. I still have its wizened rubbery carcass and my ticket stub, great memories!

The PaulMcCartney Project • 3 years ago

Thanks Wendy, what awesome memories !

Al C • 3 years ago

Great concert, my hair caught fire when someone beside me lit up a joint (my hair was long). At the time they said the crowd was 78,000 afterwards, not sure how you can figure that one out now. It was however certainly not the only rock concert in that building, as stated above. Many other big acts were there...

The PaulMcCartney Project • 3 years ago

thanks Al sharing those memories - hoping you didn't have to cut your hair in the end !

Gary L Lyons • 1 year ago

..The moment after "say live and let die" when the explosion happens and there is an actual shockwave from whatever kind of pyrotechnic device that was used was quite a thrill. And the laser show during the song was also a great addition making it all the more exciting.

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