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Wednesday, July 18, 1990


Concert • By Paul McCartney • Part of the The Paul McCartney World Tour

Last updated on July 5, 2019


  • Country: USA
  • City: Ames
  • Location: Cyclone Stadium


  • Location: Cyclone Stadium


Band members

Line-up Discover Backing band 1989-1990

From Club Sandwich 55/56, Winter 1990/91:

Stranger yet was the reaction in Iowa, where Paul and Linda’s vegetarianism so outraged misunderstanding local farmers that the tour was branded “a hotbed of Satanist-Commie Conpiracy” by leaflet-waving rednecks who picketted the show.

Radio stations threatened to ban Macca’s records in indignant protest that how dare he not eat meat dripping in lovely blood and one even hired a small plane to trail a banner over the gig reading “KDWZ Welcomes Paul MooCartney”.

“Burger off”, said Mac.

If a handful of farmers feared our voodoo vegginess, the powerful ju ju of chilli non carne cooking for the crew backstage didn’t deter the fans. Fifty five thousand of them turned up for the one Iowa show, setting yet another record.

Geoff Baker, Paul McCartney’s publicist

Cyclone Stadium

This was the 1st and only concert played at Cyclone Stadium.

Setlist for the soundcheck

Setlist for the concert

  1. Birthday

    Written by Lennon - McCartney

  2. Medley

  3. Let It Be

    Written by Lennon - McCartney

  4. Medley

    1. Help!

      Written by Lennon - McCartney

  5. Hey Jude

    Written by Lennon - McCartney

  6. Encore

    1. Yesterday

      Written by Lennon - McCartney

    2. Get Back

      Written by Lennon - McCartney

    3. The End

      Written by Lennon - McCartney

See song statistics for “The Paul McCartney World Tour”

Paul McCartney writing

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